Jun 17, 2009

What i`m Missinq

i wouldn`t want to envy you
buh i do
because from where im lookinq
happiness radiates from yu
there qoes another smile another kiss
and the looks yu quys qive each other
i know they qive yu butterflies
and even if i was wronq
and it was all a show i promisee yu
yu put it on like nothinq ever before
and wen he lies to you tears fall
and on their way down he catches them all
and he makes sure it dnt happen aqain
and he doesnt pretend like he loves you
i can see that he wants you and best believe
one day he`ll ask for yur hand and im pretty sure
thats your beqinninq to a love story with no endinq

to Carla De Los Santos [:

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